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Middle school students from the SLAAM program working with graduate student Michael Dexter & PI Malhotra to develop chemical-free optical unprinting of paper.


Personal heating patch from PI's lab integrated with control system and shirt by high school students in the GSET program

I teach undergraduate and graduate courses spanning from physics-based simulation of manufacturing process to machine tool design and process innovation.


I work every year with a team of 5-6 undergraduate students on a year-long senior design project that culminates in a public presentation of their prototypes. I also work every year with high school and middle school students on summer-long projects that range from personalized heated clothing to in-situ unprinting of paper. Some of these students have published journal papers and presented in conferences, and gone on to do their Masters and PhDs. A complete list of these students can be found in my CV in the people page.


A major area of future interest to me is how immersive technologies like augmented and virtual reality and Brain-Computer Interfaces combined with machine learning can enhance manufacturing education across multiple educational levels


List of courses:


  1. Multiphysical Simulations (UG)

  2. Design of Mechanical components (UG)

  3. Micromanufacturing Process and Machines (UG-graduate)

  4. Mechanics of Inelastic Behavior (Graduate)

  5. Physics-Based Modeling of Manufacturing Processes (Graduate)

  6. Precision Machine Design (Graduate)

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